TrueDialog Portal Help Section
- Portal Access
- Portal Account Management
- Portal Dashboards
- Creating Users
- Creating a Subaccount
- Add/Edit Contact List
- Importing Contacts
- Edit Subscriptions
- Add/Remove Keywords
- Manage Keywords
- Creating a One Way Campaign
- Creating Survey (Dialog) Campaigns
- Creating a Coupon Campaign
- Send/Schedule Campaigns
- Requested Reports
- Delivery Codes and Definitions
- Reports - Main Dashboard - Dialog Campaign
- Reports - Main Dashboard - One-Way Campaign
- Reports - Scheduled Campaigns (Edit/Disable)
- Reports - Messaging Activity
- Reports - Campaign Status Report (Pushed Campaigns)
- Reports - Message Log (Realtime view of traffic in/out of the system)
- Requesting New Long Codes (Must be user enabled)
- Long Code Call Forwarding
- Text Inbox (Previously Call Center)
- Text to Push
- Support Tickets